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Este es un gran espacio para escribir textos extensos sobre su empresa y sus servicios. Puede usar este espacio para entrar un poco más en detalle sobre su empresa. Habla sobre tu equipo y los servicios que brindas. Cuéntales a tus visitantes la historia de cómo se te ocurrió la idea de tu negocio y qué te hace diferente de tus competidores. Haga que su empresa se destaque y muestre a sus visitantes quién es usted.
Fast forward to 2020, we moved from the UK to Canada and I had the chance to start afresh, with some wonderful support from my two lovely boys and my partner, I re-ignited my passion to serve the community in a totally different manner, but at the same time not letting go my lab technician experience I have also enrolled for my Post Graduation Diploma certification in becoming a certified Lab Technician. Wish me luck!
I decided to pursue my passion and channel my energy to feed my creativity and start a small-scale home-based business, this is when the idea of NB’s Aromas floated the first time and we finally launched this aromatherapy supply store or became wax melts fragrance manufacturer in Dec 2021.
My Master's degree is from the Environmental field, I have always been a staunch supporter of sustainability and can proudly say that the materials used e.g. wax melts are from renewable sources. We can also proudly disclose that we are a family-run business and 100% independent, we are not affiliated with any company or corporates.
Whether it is creating company logos or packaging ideas, they were all born at home and executed, I take a lot of pride in my products and have a passion to deliver to the needs and requirements of customers. I am super excited about this new journey and a fun-filled new start, thanks for taking the time to read this page.